So... the loot this year: an RC heli; a $113 dragon pendant made of silver and studded with 22 peridots (my birthstone) and one garnet; a writing book, a bunch of misc candy and chips; a Pokemon Black & White card deck, Green Tornado theme; a giant eraser; one of those pin thingies where you can put your hand against the pins to push them up and make a shape or whatever; 2 Xbox games; a Minecraft creeper necklace; a Minecraft creeper "creepers gonna creep" shirt; a writing desk; and a Diablo II battlechest.
I haven't installed it yet, but that's mainly because I'm writing this and the first thing I did when I got on the computer was catch these dragcave holiday eggs:

But I'm not saying that's what these dragons are going to be. That's just my guess. But I wouldn't mind a Holly IOU if I'm right! :D
Also, about a month ago I started to play WoW again on the (free!) ITRWoW server. Not really sure if my capitalization there was all that accurate but I'm too lazy to check if it is or not. Anyway, I now have a lvl 80 Human Warlock named Marlah... or Ambassador Marlah if you count the title. I also have a lvl 18 Night Elf Druid named Arael, a lvl 20 Blood Elf Hunter named Deyna, and a lvl 2 Gnome Rogue named Shortie. Shortie is lvl 2 only because he's my Auction House charrie; I send all my items to him to put in the AH so I don't have to run to the nearest AH every time my inventory is full.
I am now saying this for the purpose of showing off and that purpose only. On Marlah, my main, I have a total of over 50 mounts, probably like 57 or something, and of course that means I have an Albino Drake. I have all the Alliance factional mounts, a Red Drake gained from getting exalted with the Wyrmrest Accord, all the Nether Ray mounts gained from getting exalted with the Sha'tari Skyguard; the two Warlock mounts - the Felsteed and the Dreadsteed, the Armored Brown Bear, All the Brewfest Mounts - Brewfest Ram, Swift Brewfest Ram, and Great Brewfest Kodo, all the Gryphons, including the Armored Snowy Gryphon, a Black War Tiger bought with 50,000 honor points, and, of course, the Albino Drake.
I'm also working on getting the Time Lost Proto-Drake. I'll have it if the stupid mob that drops it ever spawns and if I ever find it.
And to add to my awesomeness, I am the Guild Master of my very own guild; Midnight Fire. If you happen to have a charrie on the ITRWoW server and you're looking for a guild, feel free to message me or Snip when we're on to be added to the guild. I'm aiming to make it a guild where everyone's nice and ppl actually help other ppl instead of ignoring them because they're either n00bs or they're low ranking in the guild.
One thing that bothers me is that with experienced players treating newbies like crap, how are the newbies ever going to get experienced? I suppose they'll get there on their own eventually, but not nearly as fast as they would if anyone took 5 minutes of their time to help them out and explain some things to them.
And the way some people who do like 10,000 damage in a dungeon boss fight treat other lvl 80s who have only been 80 a few days and have not that good gear and are in the dungeon for good gear is just horrific. Because they don't have the wits to face a person in real life face-to-face they pick on the low geared 80s through their computer screens. You wouldn't believe the argument I got into with this swear-happy disrespectful jerk while trying to have fun in a dungeon. He actually drove our healer to leave the group!
And being a Warlock doesn't make anything better for me. Warlocks are a pretty sucky class. Not only can they only wear cloth armor; the worst armor in the game, they hardly do any damage. Thankfully, I was in a dungeon helping out a lvl 71 and he told me to take all my talent points out of Demonology and put them in Affliction instead. He said that if I did that, I would do much more damage than I was before.
And you know what? He was right! When I had put most of my talent points in Affliction and like 15 or so in Demonology to get my Soul Link and Fel Domination spells back again and I was doing twice the damage I was before! I can't remeber your name but thank you helpful Mage whose name starts with an A!
The double in damage makes sense if you think about it. When I had put all my talent points in Demonology, the only edge I was giving myself was the Metamorphosis ability that allowed me to turn into a demon for a short amount of time, Soul Link, which made my demon absorb some of the damage done to me, Master Demonologist, which decreased the damage done to me by 10%, and other random perks that didn't really do much.
And since I mostly rely on my DOT (Damage Over Time) spells, which fall into the Affliction catagory, for damage, it only made sense that by putting all my talent points in Affliction I would do more damage. I got a whole bunch of upgrades to two of the spells that I rely on most for damage and a few more spells to deal damage with. So therefore, I do more damage, and therefore, I can get better gear and wands faster, and therefore, I can do even more damage and take less damage, and therefore, I can get more gear even faster and not suck at Random Battlegrounds!
And speaking of Random Battlegrounds, once when I was in Arathi Basin, I was protecting the Blacksmith (for all the good it would do; two or three hits from a Horde and I would be dead) and another Ally was behind me. Suddenly, about 6 Hordes ran up and I was standing directly in their way. I thought that I would be dead. After all, what normally would have happened was they would have all stormed me and I would have died in 2 seconds. But that's not what happened.
To my surprise, they stopped and hesitantly inched backwards. It took a few seconds to register that they might have been scared of me. When that occurred to me, I ran forwards a few feet on my Stormsaber (I didn't have my Black War Tiger back then; I was still collecting Honor for it) and they went back even more. Thrilled, I pressed the spacebar to make my Stormsaber roar, and then charged them.
And they RAN!
I immediately launched into hysterics. I just couldn't stop laughing, it was so hilarious. 6 Hordes, fully capable of killing me, were running away! From me! 2-hits-and-I'm-dead ME!
We won that time. :)
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